10 Best Comics Where Batman & Catwoman Were Enemies, Ranked

Ever since the early 1980s, Catwoman’s role as a member of Batman’s rogues gallery has significantly waned in favor of having her act more heroically, whether as an uneasy anti-hero ally for the Caped Crusader or a genuine member of the Bat-Family. Because of this, more Catwoman-related stories push the Feline Femme Fatale away from her antagonistic origin, making stories wherein she is a villain rarer and sometimes unappreciated compared to her more heroic stories.
While the stories where Catwoman acts as an antagonist aren’t necessarily the best Catwoman or Batman stories, many represent important aspects of the two’s wider relationship with one another and the context of how they’ve grown or devolved over their eighty-plus years as characters. Some of the most iconic stories featured Catwoman in an antagonistic role, which proved incredibly effective and enriched the story.
Despite the admittedly lazy reasoning behind Catwman’s return to villainy, it isn’t without emotional consequences, as Batman is driven to increasing heights of rage after learning about what Joker and Doctor Moon did, as the pain of having to fight the woman he loves nearly caused him to outright murder the Joker, only being stopped (ironically) by Jason Todd. On top of that, despite not having the independence to turn back to crime of her own volition, Catwoman almost immediately betrays the Joker and can resume her criminal career without being a pawn for another villain. While it would have been more respectful to have Catwoman choose to return to crime instead of using mind control, the Feline Femme Fatale’s antagonistic role in the story brought a lot of powerful emotions from Batman.

Ever since the early 1980s, Catwoman’s role as a member of Batman’s rogues gallery has significantly waned in favor of having her act more heroically, whether as an uneasy anti-hero ally for the Caped Crusader or a genuine member of the Bat-Family. Because of this, more Catwoman-related stories push the Feline Femme Fatale away from her antagonistic origin, making stories wherein she is a villain rarer and sometimes unappreciated compared to her more heroic stories.

While the stories where Catwoman acts as an antagonist aren’t necessarily the best Catwoman or Batman stories, many represent important aspects of the two’s wider relationship with one another and the context of how they’ve grown or devolved over their eighty-plus years as characters. Some of the most iconic stories featured Catwoman in an antagonistic role, which proved incredibly effective and enriched the story.

Despite the admittedly lazy reasoning behind Catwman’s return to villainy, it isn’t without emotional consequences, as Batman is driven to increasing heights of rage after learning about what Joker and Doctor Moon did, as the pain of having to fight the woman he loves nearly caused him to outright murder the Joker, only being stopped (ironically) by Jason Todd. On top of that, despite not having the independence to turn back to crime of her own volition, Catwoman almost immediately betrays the Joker and can resume her criminal career without being a pawn for another villain. While it would have been more respectful to have Catwoman choose to return to crime instead of using mind control, the Feline Femme Fatale’s antagonistic role in the story brought a lot of powerful emotions from Batman.

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