10 Best Dark Comedy Anime That Aren’t For Everyone

Comedy, one of anime’s most popular genres, is usually associated with lightheartedness and positivity, seen as the type of shows people turn on to tune out of their real-life problems and have a good laugh. Much more morbid and gloomy than the more happy-go-lucky exemplars of the genre, dark comedies in anime seek to combine life’s sorrows with the inherent farce of existence, resulting in a blend of bleakness and hilarity. The generally cheerless tone, often offensive humor, and mature witticisms make dark comedies a hit or miss with most audiences.Yet, pointing out the humor of life’s grimmest situations can be therapeutic in its ability to ease the tension through laughter. While dark humor is not for everyone, many find it not only entertaining but extremely relatable and valuable when dealing with difficult themes and subjects. While these anime dark comedies aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, they’re guaranteed to make their intended audiences laugh out loud.There’s hardly a setting more suitable for a dark comedy than Hell itself, and Hozuki’s Coolheadedness takes full advantage of the humorous possibilities its morbid environment provides. Focused on the serious and efficient deputy of the King of Hell, the series follows Hozuki as he micromanages the dysfunctional bureaucracy that is the underworld.RELATED: 15 Best Comedy Anime No One Expected To Succeed

Comedy, one of anime’s most popular genres, is usually associated with lightheartedness and positivity, seen as the type of shows people turn on to tune out of their real-life problems and have a good laugh. Much more morbid and gloomy than the more happy-go-lucky exemplars of the genre, dark comedies in anime seek to combine life’s sorrows with the inherent farce of existence, resulting in a blend of bleakness and hilarity. The generally cheerless tone, often offensive humor, and mature witticisms make dark comedies a hit or miss with most audiences.

RELATED: 15 Best Comedy Anime No One Expected To Succeed

Yet, pointing out the humor of life’s grimmest situations can be therapeutic in its ability to ease the tension through laughter. While dark humor is not for everyone, many find it not only entertaining but extremely relatable and valuable when dealing with difficult themes and subjects. While these anime dark comedies aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, they’re guaranteed to make their intended audiences laugh out loud.

There’s hardly a setting more suitable for a dark comedy than Hell itself, and Hozuki’s Coolheadedness takes full advantage of the humorous possibilities its morbid environment provides. Focused on the serious and efficient deputy of the King of Hell, the series follows Hozuki as he micromanages the dysfunctional bureaucracy that is the underworld.

#Dark #Comedy #Anime #Arent

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