10 Best DC Miniseries Of The Last Five Years

DC Comics has proven itself to be one of the most versatile publishers in comics, thanks to a range of interesting characters and their compelling stories. Like any comic book publisher, DC uses a combination of formats to sell its stories, with one of the most popular of these being the miniseries. Under imprints like Elseworlds and Black Label, DC have told some of their best stories in miniseries.DC Comics’ miniseries often combine some of the greatest creators in comics to offer up fresh looks at iconic heroes, placing them in unique situations or new worlds. Many of these stories have become instant classics in the minds of fans, thanks to offering readers something new, both in style and concept. Miniseries continue to be one of the most popular formats of comics, and some of the greatest DC stories of the last five years can be found here. While many are stuck on their nostalgia for the past, there are plenty of epic, deep and intriguing stories being made in the current era.Batman Reptilian combined the dark writing style of Garth Ennis with an almost psychedelic painted art style from Liam Sharp to tell a creature feature horror story. The six-issue miniseries follows Batman on an investigation when he finds most of his rogues gallery brutally murdered, with all signs pointing towards an animal attack.REVIEW: DC’s Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1

DC Comics has proven itself to be one of the most versatile publishers in comics, thanks to a range of interesting characters and their compelling stories. Like any comic book publisher, DC uses a combination of formats to sell its stories, with one of the most popular of these being the miniseries. Under imprints like Elseworlds and Black Label, DC have told some of their best stories in miniseries.

REVIEW: DC’s Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1

DC Comics‘ miniseries often combine some of the greatest creators in comics to offer up fresh looks at iconic heroes, placing them in unique situations or new worlds. Many of these stories have become instant classics in the minds of fans, thanks to offering readers something new, both in style and concept. Miniseries continue to be one of the most popular formats of comics, and some of the greatest DC stories of the last five years can be found here. While many are stuck on their nostalgia for the past, there are plenty of epic, deep and intriguing stories being made in the current era.

Batman Reptilian combined the dark writing style of Garth Ennis with an almost psychedelic painted art style from Liam Sharp to tell a creature feature horror story. The six-issue miniseries follows Batman on an investigation when he finds most of his rogues gallery brutally murdered, with all signs pointing towards an animal attack.

#Miniseries #Years

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