10 Best Indie Comic Memoirs

Memoirs have long been considered a staple of the comic medium. Comics provide a simple yet profound manner for one or many artists to communicate a story, giving many talented creatives a way to tell their personal stories. As a result, many memoirs have led to true innovation in comics as a medium and genre.
From American Splendor acting as a pioneer in the genre to It’s Lonely At the Centre of the Earth successfully breaking all boundaries of comics, these are personal epics that have made waves in large and small ways. But even if they hadn’t, each of these memoirs is a passionate and personal story all the same.
John “Derf” Backderf portrayed suburbia through an off-putting and exaggerated lens, an excellent fit for his story. Memories and hard facts were effortlessly combined to depict Dahmer’s teenage years, with the comic jumping between Backderf’s reminiscing and files from the FBI. The final product showed hints of empathy to a teenager before his start as a murderer while also shining a critical light on the peers, adults, and institutions who failed Dahmer and his victims.

Memoirs have long been considered a staple of the comic medium. Comics provide a simple yet profound manner for one or many artists to communicate a story, giving many talented creatives a way to tell their personal stories. As a result, many memoirs have led to true innovation in comics as a medium and genre.

From American Splendor acting as a pioneer in the genre to It’s Lonely At the Centre of the Earth successfully breaking all boundaries of comics, these are personal epics that have made waves in large and small ways. But even if they hadn’t, each of these memoirs is a passionate and personal story all the same.

John “Derf” Backderf portrayed suburbia through an off-putting and exaggerated lens, an excellent fit for his story. Memories and hard facts were effortlessly combined to depict Dahmer’s teenage years, with the comic jumping between Backderf’s reminiscing and files from the FBI. The final product showed hints of empathy to a teenager before his start as a murderer while also shining a critical light on the peers, adults, and institutions who failed Dahmer and his victims.

#Indie #Comic #Memoirs

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