10 Best Marvel Comics Since 2020

Marvel has been producing fantastic comics for years, with quality rarely dipping. However, the 2020s have been proving to be a stand-out decade for the company’s output so far, with many titles consistently selling in the Top 10 and having the critical success to match.
So far, Marvel’s most beloved books of the decade span a wide variety of character types and genres that each have varying levels of notoriety. Ultimate Spider-Man is a slow-paced drama that captured the attention of fans, while Eternals was a divine epic and quiet hit in the vein of stories like Silver Surfer: Requiem. Marvel’s current output has something for everyone while also dominating the market regarding quality.
Mystique’s motives in the title were very clear: above all else, she would get her wife Destiny back. With this plot balanced with the political intrigue established in House of X and Powers of X, Inferno already had the shape of a fantastic comic. But what set it apart was its inclusion of sci-fi, coming through via the awakening of Nimrod. The new step in Sentinel technology represented an evolution that went beyond mutants, seemingly mankind’s response to homo superior—and it represented all the consequences that came with such a thing.

Marvel has been producing fantastic comics for years, with quality rarely dipping. However, the 2020s have been proving to be a stand-out decade for the company’s output so far, with many titles consistently selling in the Top 10 and having the critical success to match.

So far, Marvel’s most beloved books of the decade span a wide variety of character types and genres that each have varying levels of notoriety. Ultimate Spider-Man is a slow-paced drama that captured the attention of fans, while Eternals was a divine epic and quiet hit in the vein of stories like Silver Surfer: Requiem. Marvel’s current output has something for everyone while also dominating the market regarding quality.

Mystique’s motives in the title were very clear: above all else, she would get her wife Destiny back. With this plot balanced with the political intrigue established in House of X and Powers of X, Inferno already had the shape of a fantastic comic. But what set it apart was its inclusion of sci-fi, coming through via the awakening of Nimrod. The new step in Sentinel technology represented an evolution that went beyond mutants, seemingly mankind’s response to homo superior—and it represented all the consequences that came with such a thing.

#Marvel #Comics

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