10 Best Power Rangers Comics, Ranked

The BOOM! Studios Power Rangers comics are some of the franchise’s best material in recent years. Although most of the content is clustered around the Mighty Morphin era of the show, there is plenty to dig into for long-time fans of the series. There are hundreds of issues, dozens of story arcs, and plenty of gorgeous panels for readers to digest. With the show’s future uncertain and the current comic ending, now is the perfect time for fans of all stripes to reflect on the best of the series. Whether they’re first-time readers or super-fans who have memorized every page, these comics are the pinnacle of what Power Rangers offers.
The Power Rangers franchise is one of the most diverse series out there. Sure, every season of the show and issue of the comic is centered around spandex-clad superheroes, but there is tons of variation within. There are sci-fi stories, fantasy stories, post-apocalyptic stories. Any genre, style, and tone a reader could want is represented within this series. With such a diverse catalog, it is important to remember what makes the series great. Power Rangers is at its best when the series heroes are at the story’s center. Their thoughts, desires, and motivations can be so interesting, and they are important for making this an interesting concept and not a generic action shlock-fest.
Later Go Go Power Rangers issues served as interstitial material for the other comics. They show the ramifications of Drakkon’s handiwork in depth, explain the White Tiger’s powers, and explore the origin of the Omega Rangers. However, no information presented here is overly necessary. It is just there if people want more Ranger goodness.

The BOOM! Studios Power Rangers comics are some of the franchise’s best material in recent years. Although most of the content is clustered around the Mighty Morphin era of the show, there is plenty to dig into for long-time fans of the series. There are hundreds of issues, dozens of story arcs, and plenty of gorgeous panels for readers to digest. With the show’s future uncertain and the current comic ending, now is the perfect time for fans of all stripes to reflect on the best of the series. Whether they’re first-time readers or super-fans who have memorized every page, these comics are the pinnacle of what Power Rangers offers.

The Power Rangers franchise is one of the most diverse series out there. Sure, every season of the show and issue of the comic is centered around spandex-clad superheroes, but there is tons of variation within. There are sci-fi stories, fantasy stories, post-apocalyptic stories. Any genre, style, and tone a reader could want is represented within this series. With such a diverse catalog, it is important to remember what makes the series great. Power Rangers is at its best when the series heroes are at the story’s center. Their thoughts, desires, and motivations can be so interesting, and they are important for making this an interesting concept and not a generic action shlock-fest.

Later Go Go Power Rangers issues served as interstitial material for the other comics. They show the ramifications of Drakkon’s handiwork in depth, explain the White Tiger’s powers, and explore the origin of the Omega Rangers. However, no information presented here is overly necessary. It is just there if people want more Ranger goodness.

#Power #Rangers #Comics #Ranked

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