10 Best Star Wars Legends Heroes, Ranked

Star Wars Legends kept the flame alive during the dark times. After Return Of The Jedi, Star Wars fans didn’t get much new content, but Star Wars: Heir To The Empire, by author Timothy Zahn, changed all of that. Sure, the Marvel comic had been published into the mid-’80s, but Heir To The Empire would begin a new publishing initiative that would continue the adventures of Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, Lando, and everyone’s favorites. They would be joined by many heroes and villains over the years.While the heroes of the Original Trilogy were often the main heroes of the books, later joined by the heroes of the Prequel Trilogy, Legends also created a plethora of amazing heroes that became fan favorites. The novels, video games, and comics created new legends, all of which were lost when Disney took the reins of Star Wars. These heroes are the ones that many fans want to be brought back and represent the next generation of heroes.Kyp went to Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum on Yavin Four. He was part of Luke’s disastrous first class of Jedi, as the Sith spirit Exar Kun was able to use Kyp’s past to turn him to the Dark Side. Kyp stole the Sun Crusher, a weapon created in the Maw Installation that could destroy stars, and went on a rampage, but Han helped bring him back to the light. Kyp was something of a firebrand, disobeying Luke and doing his own thing, which included leading his own fighter squadron with his apprentice Miko Regila. They ran afoul of the Yuuzhan Vong in the early stages of the war and Miko was killed. Kyp advocated for a more brutal war against the Vong, but working with Jaina Solo, who was showing some Dark Side inclinations, changed him. Kyp became something of a model Jedi after that, joining Luke’s Jedi Council and earning the trust and respect of the people who once thought him reckless.

Star Wars Legends kept the flame alive during the dark times. After Return Of The Jedi, Star Wars fans didn’t get much new content, but Star Wars: Heir To The Empire, by author Timothy Zahn, changed all of that. Sure, the Marvel comic had been published into the mid-’80s, but Heir To The Empire would begin a new publishing initiative that would continue the adventures of Luke, Han, Leia, Chewie, Lando, and everyone’s favorites. They would be joined by many heroes and villains over the years.

While the heroes of the Original Trilogy were often the main heroes of the books, later joined by the heroes of the Prequel Trilogy, Legends also created a plethora of amazing heroes that became fan favorites. The novels, video games, and comics created new legends, all of which were lost when Disney took the reins of Star Wars. These heroes are the ones that many fans want to be brought back and represent the next generation of heroes.

Kyp went to Luke Skywalker’s Jedi Praxeum on Yavin Four. He was part of Luke’s disastrous first class of Jedi, as the Sith spirit Exar Kun was able to use Kyp’s past to turn him to the Dark Side. Kyp stole the Sun Crusher, a weapon created in the Maw Installation that could destroy stars, and went on a rampage, but Han helped bring him back to the light. Kyp was something of a firebrand, disobeying Luke and doing his own thing, which included leading his own fighter squadron with his apprentice Miko Regila. They ran afoul of the Yuuzhan Vong in the early stages of the war and Miko was killed. Kyp advocated for a more brutal war against the Vong, but working with Jaina Solo, who was showing some Dark Side inclinations, changed him. Kyp became something of a model Jedi after that, joining Luke’s Jedi Council and earning the trust and respect of the people who once thought him reckless.

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