The original The Addams Family TV series began what has become a surprisingly durable franchise. It brought cartoonist Charles Addams’ ghoulish creations to life for the first time and refining many of his ideas for use in later adaptations. The recent success of the Wednesday series on Netflix has renewed interest in the show. While it remains resolutely a product of its time, there’s a lot about the old 1960s sitcom for fans to enjoy.Halloween makes an excellent time to stream an episode or two, which are invariably lightweight and make a nice option for appropriate viewing, especially for people who prefer laughs to scares. Some of them make particularly good choices, either because of the specific content, or because of the prominent use of holiday-adjacent notions like outlandish costumes and black magic. These are among the 10 best episodes for the spooky season, with the series itself streaming free with ads on Amazon Prime.Hamilton overcomes the episode’s quiet ageism with sheer enthusiasm, as well as getting all the best sight gags. It highlights her strong work on the series, and they way she reminds viewers that her infamous green-skinned villain has always been just part of the fun. Fans Have Misinterpreted the Wicked Witch of the West’s DeathWhy Morticia and Gomez Remain Pop Culture’s Best Couple
The original The Addams Family TV series began what has become a surprisingly durable franchise. It brought cartoonist Charles Addams’ ghoulish creations to life for the first time and refining many of his ideas for use in later adaptations. The recent success of the Wednesday series on Netflix has renewed interest in the show. While it remains resolutely a product of its time, there’s a lot about the old 1960s sitcom for fans to enjoy.
Halloween makes an excellent time to stream an episode or two, which are invariably lightweight and make a nice option for appropriate viewing, especially for people who prefer laughs to scares. Some of them make particularly good choices, either because of the specific content, or because of the prominent use of holiday-adjacent notions like outlandish costumes and black magic. These are among the 10 best episodes for the spooky season, with the series itself streaming free with ads on Amazon Prime.
Hamilton overcomes the episode’s quiet ageism with sheer enthusiasm, as well as getting all the best sight gags. It highlights her strong work on the series, and they way she reminds viewers that her infamous green-skinned villain has always been just part of the fun.
#Addams #Family #Episodes #Watch #Halloween
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