10 Box Office Flops That Could Have Made Great TV Shows

Cinema has produced a range of powerful stories throughout Hollywood’s century-long existence that have captivated audiences around the world. Having raked in hundreds of billions of dollars across the decades, the industry has no shortage of iconic stories and smashing box office successes. However, the film industry also has a long line of flops, some of which saw great ideas go down in flames.A box office flop doesn’t always mean the story is bad, but can suggest other problems, such as format, structure, or pacing. For others, exorbitant budgets can make it almost impossible for a studio to make their money back, which can even lead to an entire world of IP being written off by the industry. Some of these movies were fighting an uphill battle at the box office from the word go, and opting for something simpler for TV could have redeemed them — while sparing their studios a loss.The 2010s were something of a renaissance for television, as shows like True Detective, Ray Donovan, Homeland, and more showed what great writing could do for the medium. Westerns have struggled to find their footing on modern TV — despite some great films — and The Lone Ranger could have been an excellent opportunity to try something new. The film had a lot going for it, but it could have set a new bar for Western TV. Instead, it went down as one of several pulp-based cinematic flops of its decade.

Cinema has produced a range of powerful stories throughout Hollywood’s century-long existence that have captivated audiences around the world. Having raked in hundreds of billions of dollars across the decades, the industry has no shortage of iconic stories and smashing box office successes. However, the film industry also has a long line of flops, some of which saw great ideas go down in flames.

A box office flop doesn’t always mean the story is bad, but can suggest other problems, such as format, structure, or pacing. For others, exorbitant budgets can make it almost impossible for a studio to make their money back, which can even lead to an entire world of IP being written off by the industry. Some of these movies were fighting an uphill battle at the box office from the word go, and opting for something simpler for TV could have redeemed them — while sparing their studios a loss.

The 2010s were something of a renaissance for television, as shows like True Detective, Ray Donovan, Homeland, and more showed what great writing could do for the medium. Westerns have struggled to find their footing on modern TV — despite some great films — and The Lone Ranger could have been an excellent opportunity to try something new. The film had a lot going for it, but it could have set a new bar for Western TV. Instead, it went down as one of several pulp-based cinematic flops of its decade.

#Box #Office #Flops #Great #Shows

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