10 DC Origin Tropes We’re All Tired Of

DC Comics pioneered the superhero, creating the first, and many would argue greatest, heroes of all time. These Golden Age originals were bold new creations. Early DC creators took inspiration from the world of pulp detective stories, sci-fi, fantasy, and more to bring them to life. Many of the origin tropes most associated with superheroes came from DC at this time, and creators working for the publisher have re-used them time and time again.Tropes are an indelible part of fiction. It’s impossible to tell stories without using some trope or another, because pretty much every story has been done before. However, that doesn’t mean that comic fans don’t get tired when the same tropes get used too frequently. From the hero losing their family members to adding yet another Speedster to the Flash mythos, many of DC’s origin tropes have grown stale. It’s time the publisher retired them.The Flash’s lore has grown in leaps and bounds thanks to Mark Waid’s invention of the Speed Force in the mid-’90s. This allowed writers to boost the Flash’s power and explain why super speed at the Flash’s level worked. It also allowed them to create the Flash Family and some of their most powerful villains, like Savitar and Godspeed. The Speed Force has become an important part of the DC Multiverse, to the point where it’s one of the integral forces of creation.RELATED: DC’s Spirit Of Vengeance Was Once — Scooby-Doo?

DC Comics pioneered the superhero, creating the first, and many would argue greatest, heroes of all time. These Golden Age originals were bold new creations. Early DC creators took inspiration from the world of pulp detective stories, sci-fi, fantasy, and more to bring them to life. Many of the origin tropes most associated with superheroes came from DC at this time, and creators working for the publisher have re-used them time and time again.

RELATED: DC’s Spirit Of Vengeance Was Once — Scooby-Doo?

Tropes are an indelible part of fiction. It’s impossible to tell stories without using some trope or another, because pretty much every story has been done before. However, that doesn’t mean that comic fans don’t get tired when the same tropes get used too frequently. From the hero losing their family members to adding yet another Speedster to the Flash mythos, many of DC’s origin tropes have grown stale. It’s time the publisher retired them.

The Flash’s lore has grown in leaps and bounds thanks to Mark Waid’s invention of the Speed Force in the mid-’90s. This allowed writers to boost the Flash’s power and explain why super speed at the Flash’s level worked. It also allowed them to create the Flash Family and some of their most powerful villains, like Savitar and Godspeed. The Speed Force has become an important part of the DC Multiverse, to the point where it’s one of the integral forces of creation.

#Origin #Tropes #Tired

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