10 DC Redemption Arcs That Were Totally Undeserved

Superhero comics have long been about the never-ending battle between heroes and villains. What if the heroes could convince the villains to change their ways? Rather than trying to imprison or kill their enemies, what if they instead sought restorative justice?
It’s a great idea in theory, but it doesn’t always work in practice. In DC Comics, characters often get a redemption arc without doing anything to deserve it. Sometimes, it works, with villains transforming into heroes and fitting into their new roles. Other times, it just doesn’t take, leaving fans to wonder why the heroes even allowed the villains so much freedom and leeway. Regardless, fans often discuss how deserved these redemption arcs were for decades after they happened.
After starting an intergalactic war with the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro was suddenly made into a Green Lantern at the start of the New 52. This was mostly meant to be a hook to draw viewers in, as suddenly Hal was trapped on Earth, and Sinestro was working for the Guardians again. However, by the end of the run, they were legitimately making it seem like Sinestro wasn’t entirely a bad person.

Superhero comics have long been about the never-ending battle between heroes and villains. What if the heroes could convince the villains to change their ways? Rather than trying to imprison or kill their enemies, what if they instead sought restorative justice?

It’s a great idea in theory, but it doesn’t always work in practice. In DC Comics, characters often get a redemption arc without doing anything to deserve it. Sometimes, it works, with villains transforming into heroes and fitting into their new roles. Other times, it just doesn’t take, leaving fans to wonder why the heroes even allowed the villains so much freedom and leeway. Regardless, fans often discuss how deserved these redemption arcs were for decades after they happened.

After starting an intergalactic war with the Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro was suddenly made into a Green Lantern at the start of the New 52. This was mostly meant to be a hook to draw viewers in, as suddenly Hal was trapped on Earth, and Sinestro was working for the Guardians again. However, by the end of the run, they were legitimately making it seem like Sinestro wasn’t entirely a bad person.

#Redemption #Arcs #Totally #Undeserved

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