10 Justice League Deaths That Came Out Of Nowhere

It seems as though every time there’s a big comic book event, there is always a death in the storyline. Granted, these can be easy to see coming, and more than likely, they are reversed shortly after. But some deaths come out of nowhere, catching readers off guard. DC Comics has many deaths like that. One moment, things seem relatively normal. The next? Readers are holding their comics in shock, wondering if they just read what’s in front of them.
Sometimes, it’s the surprising return of a character that fans haven’t seen in a while, only to take them away just as quickly. Other times, it’s a major character that, despite advanced solicitations and reviews, editors were able to keep under wraps. There are even moments when an imminent demise is a misdirection for another Justice League member’s death. Whatever the method, these deaths come out of nowhere and sometimes change the shape of DC Comics.
J’onn J’onzz’s sudden and brutal death set the stage for Final Crisis, telling fans that no one is safe and to prepare themselves for more death. His death was further explored in the one-shot Final Crisis: Requiem. Thankfully, the character didn’t stay dead for too long. Geoff Johns brought him back during the event Blackest Night​​​.

It seems as though every time there’s a big comic book event, there is always a death in the storyline. Granted, these can be easy to see coming, and more than likely, they are reversed shortly after. But some deaths come out of nowhere, catching readers off guard. DC Comics has many deaths like that. One moment, things seem relatively normal. The next? Readers are holding their comics in shock, wondering if they just read what’s in front of them.

Sometimes, it’s the surprising return of a character that fans haven’t seen in a while, only to take them away just as quickly. Other times, it’s a major character that, despite advanced solicitations and reviews, editors were able to keep under wraps. There are even moments when an imminent demise is a misdirection for another Justice League member’s death. Whatever the method, these deaths come out of nowhere and sometimes change the shape of DC Comics.

J’onn J’onzz’s sudden and brutal death set the stage for Final Crisis, telling fans that no one is safe and to prepare themselves for more death. His death was further explored in the one-shot Final Crisis: Requiem. Thankfully, the character didn’t stay dead for too long. Geoff Johns brought him back during the event Blackest Night​​​.

#Justice #League #Deaths

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