10 Lessons Marvel Could Learn From DC’s Best Superman Comics

Marvel Comics is seen as the bastion of “relatable” and realistic characters, with heroes such as Spider-Man and the X-Men exemplifying this the most. On the other hand, DC Comics’ Superman is sometimes seen as too old-school or overpowered to be relatable in the same vein. Despite these connotations, there are many things that Marvel could learn from some of the Man of Steel’s best comics.
The best Superman stories embody different themes and concepts, showcasing how well-rounded the hero is. Some are action-packed slugfests against fearsome foes, while others are more contemplative and introspective. This means that the oldest superhero has a lot to teach his “children” at Marvel Comics, especially those with powers similar to his own.
On the other hand, some of Marvel’s most powerful heroes lack even half as much of a rogues gallery. Such is the case for The Sentry, Blue Marvel and especially Carol Danvers, with even Thor largely defined solely by his bouts with Loki. Heroes of this level need powerful opponents to combat them, thus justifying the characters being written as so strong. Otherwise, said strength can make the “overpowered” criticism of Superman feel right at home with certain Marvel characters.

Marvel Comics is seen as the bastion of “relatable” and realistic characters, with heroes such as Spider-Man and the X-Men exemplifying this the most. On the other hand, DC Comics’ Superman is sometimes seen as too old-school or overpowered to be relatable in the same vein. Despite these connotations, there are many things that Marvel could learn from some of the Man of Steel’s best comics.

The best Superman stories embody different themes and concepts, showcasing how well-rounded the hero is. Some are action-packed slugfests against fearsome foes, while others are more contemplative and introspective. This means that the oldest superhero has a lot to teach his “children” at Marvel Comics, especially those with powers similar to his own.

On the other hand, some of Marvel’s most powerful heroes lack even half as much of a rogues gallery. Such is the case for The Sentry, Blue Marvel and especially Carol Danvers, with even Thor largely defined solely by his bouts with Loki. Heroes of this level need powerful opponents to combat them, thus justifying the characters being written as so strong. Otherwise, said strength can make the “overpowered” criticism of Superman feel right at home with certain Marvel characters.

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