In the aftermath of 2023’s Ultimate Invasion event, an alternate version of Reed Richards called The Maker created a new universe in which he prevented the existence of superheroes named Earth-6160. With veteran Marvel writer Jonathan Hickman leading the charge, Marvel has recruited some of its biggest talents to craft this new Ultimate Universe, including Deniz Camp, Peach Momoko, Bryan Edward Hill, and, most recently, Chris Condon for 2025’s Ultimate Wolverine.The Ultimate Universe already has an incredible roster of talent attached to it. However, as the world continues to expand, there is more room for even more talented writers to add their voices to this new corner of the superhero world.The new Ultimate Universe has yet to venture into the more mystical corners of the world, and Steve Orlando could be a great choice to carve them out. With the reveal of the new universe’s Sorcerer Supreme in Ultimate Black Panther #9 (by Bryan Edward Hill, Stefano Caselli, David Curiel, and Cory Petit), Marvel will inevitably begin exploring how magic works in the Maker’s world.
In the aftermath of 2023’s Ultimate Invasion event, an alternate version of Reed Richards called The Maker created a new universe in which he prevented the existence of superheroes named Earth-6160. With veteran Marvel writer Jonathan Hickman leading the charge, Marvel has recruited some of its biggest talents to craft this new Ultimate Universe, including Deniz Camp, Peach Momoko, Bryan Edward Hill, and, most recently, Chris Condon for 2025’s Ultimate Wolverine.
The Ultimate Universe already has an incredible roster of talent attached to it. However, as the world continues to expand, there is more room for even more talented writers to add their voices to this new corner of the superhero world.
The new Ultimate Universe has yet to venture into the more mystical corners of the world, and Steve Orlando could be a great choice to carve them out. With the reveal of the new universe’s Sorcerer Supreme in Ultimate Black Panther #9 (by Bryan Edward Hill, Stefano Caselli, David Curiel, and Cory Petit), Marvel will inevitably begin exploring how magic works in the Maker’s world.
#Marvel #Creators #Dive #Ultimate #Universe
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