10 Marvel Villains Who Are Ready for Redemption

Alongside its beloved superheroes, Marvel Comics has gained great fanfare for its dynamic supervillains who don’t always adhere to objectively ‘evil’ archetypes that the Golden and Silver Ages of Comics purveyed. Several Marvel villains have successfully changed courses to become anti-villains and even heroes; those like Venom, Doctor Octopus and Mystique have famously had times when they have committed to heroism thanks to a desire to change or in response to the ever-changing status quo of the Marvel Universe.
Many more Marvel villains have made great strides as characters, bringing them close to possible redemption, but they’re just not there yet. These villains have shown they can turn over a new leaf, but they need the right story to give them the final push.
Her appearances in Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente’s 2018 Weapon X-Force storyline created a duality between Lady Deathstrike and Sabertooth. They were both highly trained mercenaries created by Weapon X who had a vendetta against Wolverine; however, the story showed Deathstrike become increasingly abhorred by how obsessed Sabertooth was and how his century-spanning war with Wolverine has brought him nothing but suffering. This change was expanded in Alyssa Wong’s Deadpool, which saw Lady Deathstrike retain her desire to work up the mercenary hierarchy but with added showings of heroism and comradeship with Deadpool, showing that Lady Deathstrike could become a long-term ally to the Avenger.

Alongside its beloved superheroes, Marvel Comics has gained great fanfare for its dynamic supervillains who don’t always adhere to objectively ‘evil’ archetypes that the Golden and Silver Ages of Comics purveyed. Several Marvel villains have successfully changed courses to become anti-villains and even heroes; those like Venom, Doctor Octopus and Mystique have famously had times when they have committed to heroism thanks to a desire to change or in response to the ever-changing status quo of the Marvel Universe.

Many more Marvel villains have made great strides as characters, bringing them close to possible redemption, but they’re just not there yet. These villains have shown they can turn over a new leaf, but they need the right story to give them the final push.

Her appearances in Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente’s 2018 Weapon X-Force storyline created a duality between Lady Deathstrike and Sabertooth. They were both highly trained mercenaries created by Weapon X who had a vendetta against Wolverine; however, the story showed Deathstrike become increasingly abhorred by how obsessed Sabertooth was and how his century-spanning war with Wolverine has brought him nothing but suffering. This change was expanded in Alyssa Wong’s Deadpool, which saw Lady Deathstrike retain her desire to work up the mercenary hierarchy but with added showings of heroism and comradeship with Deadpool, showing that Lady Deathstrike could become a long-term ally to the Avenger.

#Marvel #Villains #Ready #Redemption

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