10 Most Divisive Movies in Popular Franchises

Every popular movie franchise has installments that their respective fanbases can usually agree are either good or bad. However, within these franchises, there is the rare occurrence of an entry that splits the audiences’ opinions down the middle. One side of the argument will state that the movie is disappointing, while the other side considers it one of the best in the franchise.To this day, fans of these well-known franchises continue to debate whether these movies are inferior installments or deserving of their praise. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and even the Marvel Cinematic Universe are just a few franchises with at least one entry that divides audiences.Toy Storyfans agree that the first three movies are animated masterpieces, yet the fourth remains polarizing for some. Despite its highly positive critical reception, several people found the movie unnecessary after the events of Toy Story 3, stating that it sidelines several characters and leaves Woody’s character arc on a strange note. However, there are also dedicated fans who say that the movie ends in an emotionally moving way and is a worthy entry that balances sad and humorous moments.

Every popular movie franchise has installments that their respective fanbases can usually agree are either good or bad. However, within these franchises, there is the rare occurrence of an entry that splits the audiences’ opinions down the middle. One side of the argument will state that the movie is disappointing, while the other side considers it one of the best in the franchise.

To this day, fans of these well-known franchises continue to debate whether these movies are inferior installments or deserving of their praise. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and even the Marvel Cinematic Universe are just a few franchises with at least one entry that divides audiences.

Toy Storyfans agree that the first three movies are animated masterpieces, yet the fourth remains polarizing for some. Despite its highly positive critical reception, several people found the movie unnecessary after the events of Toy Story 3, stating that it sidelines several characters and leaves Woody’s character arc on a strange note. However, there are also dedicated fans who say that the movie ends in an emotionally moving way and is a worthy entry that balances sad and humorous moments.

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