10 Underrated Comic Strips Every Newspaper Should Carry

Everyone knows the classic, iconic Sunday comic strips. Big comic strip names like Peanuts and Garfield are often talked about and loved by many. These huge comic strips have shaped newspapers for generations, earning their notoriety through relatable humor, running gags, and beloved characters.
However, fans often forget about the underrated comic strip series that paved the way for comic strip artists everywhere. Whether it be from blunt humor or hilarious, raunchy characters, many comic strip series out there don’t always get the recognition they deserve. Despite being in the paper, some amazing comics get overlooked when they deserve the same stardom as other huge strips.
While these comic strips feature some pretty solid jokes, this comic strip series falls at the bottom for various reasons. For one, the art style isn’t up to par with other comic strips. Furthermore, compared to other comic strips on this list, Willy n’ Ethel doesn’t match up in humor with some other underrated comic strips out there.

Everyone knows the classic, iconic Sunday comic strips. Big comic strip names like Peanuts and Garfield are often talked about and loved by many. These huge comic strips have shaped newspapers for generations, earning their notoriety through relatable humor, running gags, and beloved characters.

However, fans often forget about the underrated comic strip series that paved the way for comic strip artists everywhere. Whether it be from blunt humor or hilarious, raunchy characters, many comic strip series out there don’t always get the recognition they deserve. Despite being in the paper, some amazing comics get overlooked when they deserve the same stardom as other huge strips.

While these comic strips feature some pretty solid jokes, this comic strip series falls at the bottom for various reasons. For one, the art style isn’t up to par with other comic strips. Furthermore, compared to other comic strips on this list, Willy n’ Ethel doesn’t match up in humor with some other underrated comic strips out there.

#Underrated #Comic #Strips #Newspaper #Carry

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