10 Worst Things About Being Spider-Man’s Love Interest

While most fans will recognize the names Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy, there are plenty of other Spider-Man love interests. While Peter Parker has often ended things on his own terms, he also gets dumped a lot. While some people don’t have a strong romantic connection, there is no denying that Peter is a hard guy to date.
There are two Spider-Men currently, though Peter seems to be the only one having trouble keeping a relationship up. Miles is still a teenager, so it makes sense for him to be dating around and keeping things casual. On the other hand, Peter is well into adulthood and can’t keep a relationship going, though not from lack of trying. The truth is, it’s hard to date any vigilante. They’ve got a lot going on, and Spider-Man deals with more than most. All of the villains, hardships, and bad luck that Peter deals with means that being his love interest would probably suck.
Spidey has a great supporting cast—if you’re a reader. Any potential romantic partner isn’t going to view Peter’s friends as a quirky bunch of side characters, but as the annoying weirdos, they have to put up with. They’ve got their charms, but they can be a bit much at first blush. Granted, so is Peter.

While most fans will recognize the names Mary Jane and Gwen Stacy, there are plenty of other Spider-Man love interests. While Peter Parker has often ended things on his own terms, he also gets dumped a lot. While some people don’t have a strong romantic connection, there is no denying that Peter is a hard guy to date.

There are two Spider-Men currently, though Peter seems to be the only one having trouble keeping a relationship up. Miles is still a teenager, so it makes sense for him to be dating around and keeping things casual. On the other hand, Peter is well into adulthood and can’t keep a relationship going, though not from lack of trying. The truth is, it’s hard to date any vigilante. They’ve got a lot going on, and Spider-Man deals with more than most. All of the villains, hardships, and bad luck that Peter deals with means that being his love interest would probably suck.

Spidey has a great supporting cast—if you’re a reader. Any potential romantic partner isn’t going to view Peter’s friends as a quirky bunch of side characters, but as the annoying weirdos, they have to put up with. They’ve got their charms, but they can be a bit much at first blush. Granted, so is Peter.

#Worst #SpiderMans #Love #Interest

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