15 Best Comic Strips Still Running Today

Comic strips have been popular for centuries, traditionally printed in newspapers and magazines, featuring some now widely known characters that hold a dear place in contemporary society and culture. These brief cartoon comics are often funny and poignant, providing a lighthearted break in the day’s news for readers of all ages.
Comics have been running in American newspapers since the 1890s when they were marketed to urban audiences who didn’t necessarily speak English. The longest-running strip, The Katzenjammer Kids, stayed in print for 109 years, and some iconic strips from the early 20th century are still running today. Just like long-running sitcoms, the quality and creative teams behind classic comics can vary a lot, and even great comics can hit a few speed bumps. That said, newspapers are still running some truly great, hilarious comics daily.
Marmaduke is a large Great Dane who lives with the Winslow family. Often drawn towering over his human owners, Marmaduke is large, messy, and goofy. When he isn’t drooling on his owners, he is usually seen dragging them down the street on his walks about town.

Comic strips have been popular for centuries, traditionally printed in newspapers and magazines, featuring some now widely known characters that hold a dear place in contemporary society and culture. These brief cartoon comics are often funny and poignant, providing a lighthearted break in the day’s news for readers of all ages.

Comics have been running in American newspapers since the 1890s when they were marketed to urban audiences who didn’t necessarily speak English. The longest-running strip, The Katzenjammer Kids, stayed in print for 109 years, and some iconic strips from the early 20th century are still running today. Just like long-running sitcoms, the quality and creative teams behind classic comics can vary a lot, and even great comics can hit a few speed bumps. That said, newspapers are still running some truly great, hilarious comics daily.

Marmaduke is a large Great Dane who lives with the Winslow family. Often drawn towering over his human owners, Marmaduke is large, messy, and goofy. When he isn’t drooling on his owners, he is usually seen dragging them down the street on his walks about town.

#Comic #Strips #Running #Today

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