Ever since he was first introduced as a young child in Attack on Titan, Armin Arlelt has always been defined primarily by his incredible genius as well as his empathy. Even after he obtained the power of the Colossal Titan and finally became a character just as physically capable as his comrades, his intellect was still his most important trait.As such, throughout the series, Armin has had dozens of vital insights and great ideas. Without him, the people of Paradis would’ve never learned the truth of the world, and his best ideas changed both the series and the fate of humanity.As Eren later pointed out in the battle of Trost, had Armin not kept his cool and thought about getting Hannes to help his friends rather than running after them himself or getting caught up in the fleeing crowds, Eren and Mikasa would’ve almost certainly been devoured by Dina Fritz, AKA the Smiling Titan. AOT later showed how fleeing crowds could easily be deadly for a child when Udo was trampled during the raid on Liberio.
Ever since he was first introduced as a young child in Attack on Titan, Armin Arlelt has always been defined primarily by his incredible genius as well as his empathy. Even after he obtained the power of the Colossal Titan and finally became a character just as physically capable as his comrades, his intellect was still his most important trait.
As such, throughout the series, Armin has had dozens of vital insights and great ideas. Without him, the people of Paradis would’ve never learned the truth of the world, and his best ideas changed both the series and the fate of humanity.
As Eren later pointed out in the battle of Trost, had Armin not kept his cool and thought about getting Hannes to help his friends rather than running after them himself or getting caught up in the fleeing crowds, Eren and Mikasa would’ve almost certainly been devoured by Dina Fritz, AKA the Smiling Titan. AOT later showed how fleeing crowds could easily be deadly for a child when Udo was trampled during the raid on Liberio.
#Armins #Ideas #Attack #Titan
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