Blonde Phantom Was the Wolverine of Late 1940s Marvel Comics

Knowledge Waits is a feature where I just share some bit of comic book history that interests me. Today, we look at how Blonde Phantom was briefly a really popular character for Marvel, appearing in multiple books all around the same time. As you have no doubt noticed by now, one of the tried and true ways for comic book companies to help increase sales on its comic books has been to guest star its most popular superheroes in other comic book titles. In fact, I recently did a bit about how Marvel used to use Spider-Man in the first issue of a new series to help promote the new book (DC, amusingly enough, not only used Superman in a number of first issues, but DC had Superman specifically INTRODUCE the new characters on the covers of their comics in an interesting riff on the idea of using a famous character to promote a new book).Released in September 1946, All-Select Comics #11 introduced the Blonde Phantom in a story drawn by Syd Shores. Louise Grant is the secretary for detective Mark Mason, but she then dresses up as the Blonde Phantom and helps him on cases…

Knowledge Waits is a feature where I just share some bit of comic book history that interests me. Today, we look at how Blonde Phantom was briefly a really popular character for Marvel, appearing in multiple books all around the same time.

As you have no doubt noticed by now, one of the tried and true ways for comic book companies to help increase sales on its comic books has been to guest star its most popular superheroes in other comic book titles. In fact, I recently did a bit about how Marvel used to use Spider-Man in the first issue of a new series to help promote the new book (DC, amusingly enough, not only used Superman in a number of first issues, but DC had Superman specifically INTRODUCE the new characters on the covers of their comics in an interesting riff on the idea of using a famous character to promote a new book).

Released in September 1946, All-Select Comics #11 introduced the Blonde Phantom in a story drawn by Syd Shores. Louise Grant is the secretary for detective Mark Mason, but she then dresses up as the Blonde Phantom and helps him on cases…

#Blonde #Phantom #Wolverine #Late #1940s #Marvel #Comics

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