What DC Could Learn From Marvel’s Best Wolverine Comics
Wolverine’s success story is interesting to look at. He came around at exactly the right time, when the rise of […]
One Place to love books
OlbComicWolverine’s success story is interesting to look at. He came around at exactly the right time, when the rise of […]
In the latest Drawing Crazy Patterns, where we spotlight five recurring themes in comics, we examine five times that comic […]
In every Look Back, we examine a comic book issue from 10/25/50/75 years ago (plus a wild card every month […]
Knowledge Waits is a feature where I just share some bit of comic book history that interests me. Today, I […]
These days, it seems like everybody in the DC Universe has worn a power ring at some point. From the […]
The Marvel multiverse is a little bit too much. Sure, it’s spawned some of the most thrilling arcs in the […]
Wolverine quickly joined the ranks of the most popular superheroes of all time, and that meant lots and lots of […]
In every Look Back, we examine a comic book issue from 10/25/50/75 years ago (plus a wild card every month […]
The Star Wars franchise is enjoying consistent critical and commercial success under Marvel’s mainline canon comics, but the now-dubbed Legends […]
“To Quote a Phrase” is a feature where I spotlight memorable quotes from comic books. Today, we look at a […]