Controversial Anime That Have Been Banned In Certain Countries

Anime can get pretty wild sometimes. Like any other storytelling medium, anime can push the envelope and challenge viewers with intense or even disturbing story content. As a result, these boundary-pushing anime went too far for some groups’ tastes. This then led to complaints, protests, or even official bans.Some nations formally banned certain anime, since they objected to what they view as inappropriate content. Often, banned anime made uncomfortably sharp or honest critiques of a nation’s history or leaders. Others had such extreme gore or sexual content that a nation’s government deemed it unsuitable for viewing. China banned at least 38 different anime back in 2015, and among the titles was Parasyte. The popular sci-fi/horror anime sees protagonist Shinichi Izumi fused with an alien parasite to gain bizarre powers. They then fought more monstrous human/alien hybrids.

Anime can get pretty wild sometimes. Like any other storytelling medium, anime can push the envelope and challenge viewers with intense or even disturbing story content. As a result, these boundary-pushing anime went too far for some groups’ tastes. This then led to complaints, protests, or even official bans.

Some nations formally banned certain anime, since they objected to what they view as inappropriate content. Often, banned anime made uncomfortably sharp or honest critiques of a nation’s history or leaders. Others had such extreme gore or sexual content that a nation’s government deemed it unsuitable for viewing.

China banned at least 38 different anime back in 2015, and among the titles was Parasyte. The popular sci-fi/horror anime sees protagonist Shinichi Izumi fused with an alien parasite to gain bizarre powers. They then fought more monstrous human/alien hybrids.

#Controversial #Anime #Banned #Countries

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