Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball franchise has largely been about the coming of age of its main protagonist, Goku. The story has seen him go from being all alone in the world to starting a family of his own while making new friends along the way, usually in the form of former rivals. Although there’s an official timeline for Dragon Ball, fans still get confused about Goku’s exact age.The Saiyan hero has grown from a young boy way back at the beginning of the original manga/anime series to a full-grown man (and back again, but only in the now no-longer-canon Dragon Ball GT). Let’s take a closer look at Goku’s age, both physically and otherwise, throughout every series in the iconic anime franchise.RELATED: Goku Vs. Kratos – Who’s Stronger?
Akira Toriyama’s Dragon Ball franchise has largely been about the coming of age of its main protagonist, Goku. The story has seen him go from being all alone in the world to starting a family of his own while making new friends along the way, usually in the form of former rivals. Although there’s an official timeline for Dragon Ball, fans still get confused about Goku’s exact age.
The Saiyan hero has grown from a young boy way back at the beginning of the original manga/anime series to a full-grown man (and back again, but only in the now no-longer-canon Dragon Ball GT). Let’s take a closer look at Goku’s age, both physically and otherwise, throughout every series in the iconic anime franchise.
#Dragon #Ball #Goku #Anime #Series
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