Every Avengers Movie Starring Captain America, In Order

The Marvel Cinematic Universe was cinema’s greatest powerhouse from 2008 to 2018, with every year since giving fans, Marvel Studios, and Disney alike diminishing returns. However, no one can take away the MCU’s run of dominance, something that was cemented by the Avengers movies. These movies were the culmination of years of plots, with three of the four – Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame – considered some of the best superhero movies ever and the fourth – Avengers: Age Of Ultron – being a rather lower ranked superhero movie.There are several reasons for the Avengers films’ success and an integral one is Captain America. Chris Evans played the character in a trilogy of Captain America movies and all four Avengers pictures, with minor appearances in Thor: The Dark World and Spider-Man: Homecoming. Fans loved Captain America and his role in the Avengers movies made the character even more popular, leading to his eventual swan song.Cap takes part in the Battle of New York, his battlefield planning skills coming in handy as he commands the nascent Avengers and helps evacuate the area while battling the Chitauri. Cap’s power level is lower than Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk, he plays a crucial role in the battle. Captain America in the comics is the leader of the Avengers, but in the MCU, he takes a back seat to Iron Man, who was the most popular MCU character. However, Cap still plays a big role in Avengers. Iron Man is the star, but Cap is the heart of the team, something that comes through more as the movie goes on. Avengers grossed over a billion dollars, its success allowing the MCU to join the ranks of the highest-grossing movie franchises of all time. The movie showed Cap doing what he does best and introduced the dynamic of the early MCU’s most important relationship – the one between Cap and Iron Man.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe was cinema’s greatest powerhouse from 2008 to 2018, with every year since giving fans, Marvel Studios, and Disney alike diminishing returns. However, no one can take away the MCU’s run of dominance, something that was cemented by the Avengers movies. These movies were the culmination of years of plots, with three of the four – Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, and Avengers: Endgame – considered some of the best superhero movies ever and the fourth – Avengers: Age Of Ultron – being a rather lower ranked superhero movie.

There are several reasons for the Avengers films’ success and an integral one is Captain America. Chris Evans played the character in a trilogy of Captain America movies and all four Avengers pictures, with minor appearances in Thor: The Dark World and Spider-Man: Homecoming. Fans loved Captain America and his role in the Avengers movies made the character even more popular, leading to his eventual swan song.

Cap takes part in the Battle of New York, his battlefield planning skills coming in handy as he commands the nascent Avengers and helps evacuate the area while battling the Chitauri. Cap’s power level is lower than Iron Man, Thor, and Hulk, he plays a crucial role in the battle. Captain America in the comics is the leader of the Avengers, but in the MCU, he takes a back seat to Iron Man, who was the most popular MCU character. However, Cap still plays a big role in Avengers. Iron Man is the star, but Cap is the heart of the team, something that comes through more as the movie goes on. Avengers grossed over a billion dollars, its success allowing the MCU to join the ranks of the highest-grossing movie franchises of all time. The movie showed Cap doing what he does best and introduced the dynamic of the early MCU’s most important relationship – the one between Cap and Iron Man.

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