Every Avengers Movie Starring Hulk, In Order

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has brought Marvel’s characters to the general public in a way no one thought possible. Marvel characters have become household names and despite some recent failures at the box office, it’s still the biggest entertainment franchise ever. The centerpiece of the MCU has always been the Avengers films. These movies are the equivalent of event comics, the massive crossovers that bring together the greatest number of heroes to fight the most dangerous foes. These movies have served as the culmination of the stories set up in the other MCU movies and have a reputation for being the best. These Avengers movies may combine a huge amount of characters, but there’s a core to each one – Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and the Hulk.These six characters starred in the first Avengers movie and are the team that everyone considers “the Avengers”. However, one of them is not like the others – the Hulk. The Hulk has always been a massively popular Marvel character, starting with his TV series and going on from there. The Hulk’s time in the MCU has been quite unique, though. To begin with, the Hulk’s actor has changed. The Incredible Hulk is considered one of the worst MCU movies ever, and that movie’s Hulk – Edward Norton – wasn’t brought back, partly because of the movie’s failure and partly because Norton was “difficult” to work with. Mark Ruffalo took his place in Avengers and has since appeared in every Avengers movie. The Hulk has played an important role in the Avengers, just like those movies have played a role in Hulk’s character.Of course, one can argue that Hulk in Avengers isn’t really a good representation of the character. Hulk has decades of lore, and the character is rather complicated. The Hulk is a tragic character, something that The Incredible Hulk did a pretty good job of capturing. Norton’s Hulk captured the pain at the center of the character, something that Ruffalo’s Hulk is missing in Avengers. The closest viewers get to acknowledging that is his “I’m always angry” line, but even the line delivery doesn’t really sell the moment. The MCU’s overly comedic tone has always been something that held the movies back and Avengers’ treatment of the Hulk plays into that. Hulk is a great part of the movie, but saying that the Hulk is a fully realized character in the movie is a little much. There’s barely anything to the Hulk as a character in Avengers, something that would set up a disturbing tendency for the character in the coming movies.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has brought Marvel’s characters to the general public in a way no one thought possible. Marvel characters have become household names and despite some recent failures at the box office, it’s still the biggest entertainment franchise ever. The centerpiece of the MCU has always been the Avengers films. These movies are the equivalent of event comics, the massive crossovers that bring together the greatest number of heroes to fight the most dangerous foes. These movies have served as the culmination of the stories set up in the other MCU movies and have a reputation for being the best. These Avengers movies may combine a huge amount of characters, but there’s a core to each one – Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and the Hulk.

These six characters starred in the first Avengers movie and are the team that everyone considers “the Avengers”. However, one of them is not like the others – the Hulk. The Hulk has always been a massively popular Marvel character, starting with his TV series and going on from there. The Hulk’s time in the MCU has been quite unique, though. To begin with, the Hulk’s actor has changed. The Incredible Hulk is considered one of the worst MCU movies ever, and that movie’s Hulk – Edward Norton – wasn’t brought back, partly because of the movie’s failure and partly because Norton was “difficult” to work with. Mark Ruffalo took his place in Avengers and has since appeared in every Avengers movie. The Hulk has played an important role in the Avengers, just like those movies have played a role in Hulk’s character.

Of course, one can argue that Hulk in Avengers isn’t really a good representation of the character. Hulk has decades of lore, and the character is rather complicated. The Hulk is a tragic character, something that The Incredible Hulk did a pretty good job of capturing. Norton’s Hulk captured the pain at the center of the character, something that Ruffalo’s Hulk is missing in Avengers. The closest viewers get to acknowledging that is his “I’m always angry” line, but even the line delivery doesn’t really sell the moment. The MCU’s overly comedic tone has always been something that held the movies back and Avengers’ treatment of the Hulk plays into that. Hulk is a great part of the movie, but saying that the Hulk is a fully realized character in the movie is a little much. There’s barely anything to the Hulk as a character in Avengers, something that would set up a disturbing tendency for the character in the coming movies.

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