Gambit & 9 Other X-Men Who Deserve Their Own Miniseries

Despite being one of Marvel’s most iconic and profitable franchises since the ’80s, the X-Men still have a long way to go. Readers have been met with wave after wave of a suffocating amount of new X-books, so much so that it’s overwhelming to keep up. However, there are still plenty of undercooked characters who haven’t been able to shine quite as much as the likes of fan favorites Wolverine, Magneto, and so on.
With Marvel’s exciting new relaunch, the opportunities for characters to shine are limitless. Characters that previously would’ve had a rough time standing out now have all the excuses in the world to get their own series. No matter how popular or unexplored they may be, characters of all paths like Colossus and Thunderbird now stand to get some spotlight and love from fans.
Frankly, it’s a shame that one of the coolest-looking X-Men characters has lacked a proper number of comic series since his introduction. After a couple of miniseries in the ’90s that kicked off his first full series later on, Gambit has only had half a handful of his own comics since then. With his previously-mentioned appearances in the “From The Ashes” relaunch, live-action, as well as his return to animation in X-Men ’97, now is the perfect time for Marvel to end the Gambit drought and give the hero exposure.

Despite being one of Marvel’s most iconic and profitable franchises since the ’80s, the X-Men still have a long way to go. Readers have been met with wave after wave of a suffocating amount of new X-books, so much so that it’s overwhelming to keep up. However, there are still plenty of undercooked characters who haven’t been able to shine quite as much as the likes of fan favorites Wolverine, Magneto, and so on.

With Marvel’s exciting new relaunch, the opportunities for characters to shine are limitless. Characters that previously would’ve had a rough time standing out now have all the excuses in the world to get their own series. No matter how popular or unexplored they may be, characters of all paths like Colossus and Thunderbird now stand to get some spotlight and love from fans.

Frankly, it’s a shame that one of the coolest-looking X-Men characters has lacked a proper number of comic series since his introduction. After a couple of miniseries in the ’90s that kicked off his first full series later on, Gambit has only had half a handful of his own comics since then. With his previously-mentioned appearances in the “From The Ashes” relaunch, live-action, as well as his return to animation in X-Men ’97, now is the perfect time for Marvel to end the Gambit drought and give the hero exposure.

#Gambit #XMen #Deserve #Miniseries

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