Justice League Anatomy: 5 Weirdest Things About Martian Manhunter’s Body

Among all the members of the Justice League, the Martian Manhunter is easily the most underrated. Largely considered the team’s heart and soul, his story is similar to that of Superman in many ways. Though he shares several powers with the Man of Steel, the seeming last Martian is also quite physically unique.
Martian Manhunter boasts several incredible powers, which reflect his Martian physiology. From his magnificent strengths to his debilitating weaknesses, J’onn J’onnz is most definitely a native son of the red planet known to him as “Ma’aleca’andra.” His body and the powers it bequeath him allow him to defend his new planet, Earth, and make him even more resourceful than many realize.
The post-Crisis on Infinite Earths comics finally established the true nature of this weakness, and the fallout changed the hero forever. It was revealed that, in ancient times, the Martian race was both immensely powerful and just as barbaric. Their reign of terror threatened to allow them to conquer the galaxy, forcing the hand of the Guardians of the Universe. The overseers of the Green Lantern Corps caused a genetic/mental fear within Martians, with Martians’ psychosomatic response making them immensely afraid of even the most common fires. After JLA #89 by Joe Kelly and Doug Mahnke, however, this weakness was changed within J’onn, with only “passionate” fires, such as those of psychic origin, being able to harm him.

Among all the members of the Justice League, the Martian Manhunter is easily the most underrated. Largely considered the team’s heart and soul, his story is similar to that of Superman in many ways. Though he shares several powers with the Man of Steel, the seeming last Martian is also quite physically unique.

Martian Manhunter boasts several incredible powers, which reflect his Martian physiology. From his magnificent strengths to his debilitating weaknesses, J’onn J’onnz is most definitely a native son of the red planet known to him as “Ma’aleca’andra.” His body and the powers it bequeath him allow him to defend his new planet, Earth, and make him even more resourceful than many realize.

The post-Crisis on Infinite Earths comics finally established the true nature of this weakness, and the fallout changed the hero forever. It was revealed that, in ancient times, the Martian race was both immensely powerful and just as barbaric. Their reign of terror threatened to allow them to conquer the galaxy, forcing the hand of the Guardians of the Universe. The overseers of the Green Lantern Corps caused a genetic/mental fear within Martians, with Martians’ psychosomatic response making them immensely afraid of even the most common fires. After JLA #89 by Joe Kelly and Doug Mahnke, however, this weakness was changed within J’onn, with only “passionate” fires, such as those of psychic origin, being able to harm him.

#Justice #League #Anatomy #Weirdest #Martian #Manhunters #Body

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