Legion of Super-Heroes: Brainiac 5’s Complicated Romantic Past

Knowledge Waits is a feature where I just share some bit of comic book history that interests me. Today, I look at Brainiac 5’s complicated romantic past, and explain why he has been dubbed as being demisexual in a recent DC comic book.
If you have been following a particular superhero for long enough, you’ll almost assuredly notice that they are rarely the same in, say, 2024, than they were in 1994, or 1974, etc. Wonder Man, for instance, was a much different superhero when he was first a regular cast member in the Avengers in the 1970s than he was when he was a West Coast Avenger in the 1980s, and he was then much different, again, in his 1990s ongoing series, and he has been portrayed differently in various comics over the past two decades, as well. And that’s the Marvel Universe, where characters have nominally never been rebooted.
In DC Pride 2022, Devin Grayson, Nick Robles, and Triona Farrell did an issue set at a Pride parade, and there are cameos from various notable DC LGBTQ+ characters, including some characters who had previously never been officially revealed as being part of the LGBTQ+ community before in a “canon” comic book, and among the characters featured was Brainiac 5, who is revealed to be demisexual…

Knowledge Waits is a feature where I just share some bit of comic book history that interests me. Today, I look at Brainiac 5’s complicated romantic past, and explain why he has been dubbed as being demisexual in a recent DC comic book.

If you have been following a particular superhero for long enough, you’ll almost assuredly notice that they are rarely the same in, say, 2024, than they were in 1994, or 1974, etc. Wonder Man, for instance, was a much different superhero when he was first a regular cast member in the Avengers in the 1970s than he was when he was a West Coast Avenger in the 1980s, and he was then much different, again, in his 1990s ongoing series, and he has been portrayed differently in various comics over the past two decades, as well. And that’s the Marvel Universe, where characters have nominally never been rebooted.

In DC Pride 2022, Devin Grayson, Nick Robles, and Triona Farrell did an issue set at a Pride parade, and there are cameos from various notable DC LGBTQ+ characters, including some characters who had previously never been officially revealed as being part of the LGBTQ+ community before in a “canon” comic book, and among the characters featured was Brainiac 5, who is revealed to be demisexual…

#Legion #SuperHeroes #Brainiac #Complicated #Romantic

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