The Naruto franchise ranks among the most popular in anime history, and since its debut in 2002, it has introduced several of the most beloved heroes to ever grace the medium. However, for every memorable protagonist seen in Naruto, there are just as many notable antagonists. In particular, the Naruto: Shippuden series is chock-full of quality villains, many of whom ply their villainous craft as part of the powerful group known as the Akatsuki. The group’s leader, Nagato (who uses the Pain persona as a cover for his true identity) nearly brings the Hidden Leaf Village to ruin using his greatest power — the Rinnegan.Ocular jutsu play a major role throughout the entire Naruto franchise, so it’s only appropriate that the leader of the Akatuski possesses one of the rarest and most powerful visual abilities in the entire series. Nagato’s Rinnegan serves as both the backbone of the Akatsuki’s operations and the catalyst for his rise to prominence, which is why it’s crucial to understand how his eyes were endowed with the ultra-rare jutsu.RELATED: Naruto: 20 Best Pain Quotes, Ranked
The Naruto franchise ranks among the most popular in anime history, and since its debut in 2002, it has introduced several of the most beloved heroes to ever grace the medium. However, for every memorable protagonist seen in Naruto, there are just as many notable antagonists. In particular, the Naruto: Shippuden series is chock-full of quality villains, many of whom ply their villainous craft as part of the powerful group known as the Akatsuki. The group’s leader, Nagato (who uses the Pain persona as a cover for his true identity) nearly brings the Hidden Leaf Village to ruin using his greatest power — the Rinnegan.
Ocular jutsu play a major role throughout the entire Naruto franchise, so it’s only appropriate that the leader of the Akatuski possesses one of the rarest and most powerful visual abilities in the entire series. Nagato’s Rinnegan serves as both the backbone of the Akatsuki’s operations and the catalyst for his rise to prominence, which is why it’s crucial to understand how his eyes were endowed with the ultra-rare jutsu.
#Naruto #Nagato #Acquire #Rinnegan #Goal
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