10 Best Superhero Rogues Galleries in Movies and TV, Ranked
The superhero genre has flourished over the past twenty years with the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, several different attempts and […]
One Place to love books
OlbComicThe superhero genre has flourished over the past twenty years with the ever-expanding Marvel Cinematic Universe, several different attempts and […]
While some superheroes and villains have very comics accurate costumes, other characters faced more significant wardrobe changes in the move […]
Comic book blockbuster movies like Green Lantern and X-Men Apocalypse couldn’t live up to their brilliant marketing strategy. Comic book […]
While superhero movies have become some of the biggest blockbusters of the 21st century, some of them have not hit […]
Not all characters from superhero films debuted in a comic book. Some, like Phil Coulson and Renee Montoya, moved into […]
While crossovers between Marvel and DC currently seem unlikely, here are some team-ups we’d still love to see. While crossovers […]
James Gunn’s DCU is getting off to an exciting start with the Superman trailer flirting with record viewership on YouTube […]
Superhero and comic book movies are all the rage these days. Even if there’s an ongoing debate over whether superhero […]
Superhero movies aren’t generally regarded for their writing, so if a movie receives a positive reception for its script, fans […]
These 10 DC heroes went from being sidekicks to taking center stage in DC Comics! These 10 DC heroes went […]