Following its debut in 1999, the Naruto franchise quickly earned a reputation as one of the most popular media franchises in the world, defining an entire generation of anime fans throughout the 2000s and 2010s. Despite its relative age compared to contemporary shonen series like Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer, the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki benefit from surprisingly impressive animation.Even before Naruto: Shippuden’s two-year timeskip, there are several episodes that stand due to the quality of their animation. These sequences range from somber to inspiring, but regardless of their tone, they all elevate the show’s quality with their spectacular visuals.The Akatsuki are involved in several of the most well-animated fights in Naruto: Shippuden, yet one of their battles often goes underappreciated — Konan’s final stand against Obito. While Obito plays a major role in several of the series’ narrative arcs, Konan rarely receives a chance to showcase her abilities, making her gorgeous battle in “The Angelic Herald Of Death” a welcome surprise.RELATED: 10 Most Overrated Arcs In Naruto, Ranked
Following its debut in 1999, the Naruto franchise quickly earned a reputation as one of the most popular media franchises in the world, defining an entire generation of anime fans throughout the 2000s and 2010s. Despite its relative age compared to contemporary shonen series like Jujutsu Kaisen and Demon Slayer, the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki benefit from surprisingly impressive animation.
Even before Naruto: Shippuden‘s two-year timeskip, there are several episodes that stand due to the quality of their animation. These sequences range from somber to inspiring, but regardless of their tone, they all elevate the show’s quality with their spectacular visuals.
The Akatsuki are involved in several of the most well-animated fights in Naruto: Shippuden, yet one of their battles often goes underappreciated — Konan’s final stand against Obito. While Obito plays a major role in several of the series’ narrative arcs, Konan rarely receives a chance to showcase her abilities, making her gorgeous battle in “The Angelic Herald Of Death” a welcome surprise.
#WellAnimated #Episodes #Naruto #Ranked
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