The Bombshell Secret Behind Superman’s Origin

Welcome to the 911st installment of Comic Book Legends Revealed, a column where we examine three comic book myths, rumors and legends and confirm or debunk them. This time, in our first legend, we look at the revelation of Jerry Siegel’s influence by Philip Wylie’s Gladiator in the creation of Superman. The great Mark Evanier (who is currently doing a fundraiser to maintain his excellent blog, News From Me. I just donated, perhaps you’d like to, as well) once had a post that stuck with me (I can’t find it to link to it, but if someone else has a link, let me know, and I’ll edit it in there) about the concept of the “one phone call” problem. Namely, that there are some problems in life that are just permanent issues, but there are other problems that can be solved by one phone call, and it is important to keep those things into perspective. Being out of work suuuucks, but it’s something that can be turned around with one phone call. In any event, I mention this both A. to plug Mark’s awesome site, but also to B. note that when you’re dealing with comic book history, there’s very often going to be cases where “one phone call” (or the internet equivalent – “One e-mail”) can change everything about a particular area of scholarship.RELATED: Was Bernie Wrightson Nearly the Artist on Marvel’s Conan the Barbarian?RELATED: Did Steve Ditko Really Do a Spider-Man Bondage Spoof Comic?

Welcome to the 911st installment of Comic Book Legends Revealed, a column where we examine three comic book myths, rumors and legends and confirm or debunk them. This time, in our first legend, we look at the revelation of Jerry Siegel’s influence by Philip Wylie’s Gladiator in the creation of Superman.

The great Mark Evanier (who is currently doing a fundraiser to maintain his excellent blog, News From Me. I just donated, perhaps you’d like to, as well) once had a post that stuck with me (I can’t find it to link to it, but if someone else has a link, let me know, and I’ll edit it in there) about the concept of the “one phone call” problem. Namely, that there are some problems in life that are just permanent issues, but there are other problems that can be solved by one phone call, and it is important to keep those things into perspective. Being out of work suuuucks, but it’s something that can be turned around with one phone call. In any event, I mention this both A. to plug Mark’s awesome site, but also to B. note that when you’re dealing with comic book history, there’s very often going to be cases where “one phone call” (or the internet equivalent – “One e-mail”) can change everything about a particular area of scholarship.

RELATED: Did Steve Ditko Really Do a Spider-Man Bondage Spoof Comic?

RELATED: Was Bernie Wrightson Nearly the Artist on Marvel’s Conan the Barbarian?

#Bombshell #Secret #Supermans #Origin

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