The X-Men’s Deadliest Enemies Just Revealed Themselves As Hypocritical Fascists

Orchis’ rise to power in the months since their attack on the most recent Hellfire Gala has seen the anti-mutant paramilitary organization establish what may as well be a stranglehold over the entire globe. While there are still a few holdout territories even after Orchis’ regime was openly embraced by the wider public, there are even fewer heroes left who are capable of fighting back against them out in the open. Worse still, Orchis’ long-term goals extend far beyond what the rest of the world has been led to believe, and if they ever achieve them, there might not be any heroes left whatsoever.Uncanny Avengers #5 (by Gerry Duggan, Javier Garrón, Morry Hollowell, Tom Muller, Jay Bowen, and VC’s Travis Lanham) picks up in the heat of battle between the eponymous team of heroes and Orchis’ greatest champion, Captain Krakoa, who has recently been unveiled as none other than the evil Steve, or rather Grant Rogers of another world who stepped into the shoes of the original during 2015’s Secret Empire. While the heroes ultimately defeat their enemy and foil his attempt at setting off a nuclear bomb in the heart of Empire State University, nothing could possibly prepare them for the absolute lack of consequences that follow their victory. Instead of being held accountable for his actions and in spite of Ben Urich reporting on the situation in intimate detail, Grant Rogers walks free from any sort of meaningful prosecution for his crimes. In fact, he is able to spin the entire ordeal into a rallying cry for the worst of humanity, and while that cry targets mutantkind as their purported enemies, every single superpowered person on the planet is standing right behind them when it comes to Orchis’ line of fire.After circulating through the ranks of numerous organizations ranging from the likes of A.I.M. and S.H.I.E.L.D. to various national governments, a small band of those organizations’ members came together to form the beginnings of Orchis as it is known today. Imagining themselves as some sort of doomsday response team should the purported threat of a mutant nation ever arises, this Orchis has gone to greater lengths than any others when it comes to arming themselves specifically against mutantkind. Before their attack on the Hellfire Gala, Orchis’ greatest achievement was the repurposing of Sol’s Hammer into their Orchis Forge and, with it, creating the Mother Mold. Though the X-Men were successful in destroying their enemies’ creations, Orchis still won the day thanks to ultimately ushering in the creation of Nimrod. This set a dangerous precedent wherein Orchis has spun every major catastrophe since into a political heyday for themselves, and the fact that they have done so yet again with Grant Rogers proves just how good they are at not just appealing to the masses, but convincing that same unwitting public to turn on their world’s true heroes.

Orchis’ rise to power in the months since their attack on the most recent Hellfire Gala has seen the anti-mutant paramilitary organization establish what may as well be a stranglehold over the entire globe. While there are still a few holdout territories even after Orchis’ regime was openly embraced by the wider public, there are even fewer heroes left who are capable of fighting back against them out in the open. Worse still, Orchis’ long-term goals extend far beyond what the rest of the world has been led to believe, and if they ever achieve them, there might not be any heroes left whatsoever.

Uncanny Avengers #5 (by Gerry Duggan, Javier Garrón, Morry Hollowell, Tom Muller, Jay Bowen, and VC’s Travis Lanham) picks up in the heat of battle between the eponymous team of heroes and Orchis’ greatest champion, Captain Krakoa, who has recently been unveiled as none other than the evil Steve, or rather Grant Rogers of another world who stepped into the shoes of the original during 2015’s Secret Empire. While the heroes ultimately defeat their enemy and foil his attempt at setting off a nuclear bomb in the heart of Empire State University, nothing could possibly prepare them for the absolute lack of consequences that follow their victory. Instead of being held accountable for his actions and in spite of Ben Urich reporting on the situation in intimate detail, Grant Rogers walks free from any sort of meaningful prosecution for his crimes. In fact, he is able to spin the entire ordeal into a rallying cry for the worst of humanity, and while that cry targets mutantkind as their purported enemies, every single superpowered person on the planet is standing right behind them when it comes to Orchis’ line of fire.

After circulating through the ranks of numerous organizations ranging from the likes of A.I.M. and S.H.I.E.L.D. to various national governments, a small band of those organizations’ members came together to form the beginnings of Orchis as it is known today. Imagining themselves as some sort of doomsday response team should the purported threat of a mutant nation ever arises, this Orchis has gone to greater lengths than any others when it comes to arming themselves specifically against mutantkind. Before their attack on the Hellfire Gala, Orchis’ greatest achievement was the repurposing of Sol’s Hammer into their Orchis Forge and, with it, creating the Mother Mold. Though the X-Men were successful in destroying their enemies’ creations, Orchis still won the day thanks to ultimately ushering in the creation of Nimrod. This set a dangerous precedent wherein Orchis has spun every major catastrophe since into a political heyday for themselves, and the fact that they have done so yet again with Grant Rogers proves just how good they are at not just appealing to the masses, but convincing that same unwitting public to turn on their world’s true heroes.

#XMens #Deadliest #Enemies #Revealed #Hypocritical #Fascists

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