The X-Men’s Worst Enemy Has Revealed an Uncanny Connection to Captain America

While Orchis has waged an open war on mutants, they have also employed a vast amount of propaganda and similarly subversive tactics. One of the greatest resources the anti-mutant group has utilized is a mysterious villain who has been masquerading as the mutant’s greatest hero, Captain Krakoa. However, the identiy of Orchis’ stand-in has now been revealed, and the revelation only makes the imposter even more dangerous.Following an explosive encounter with Orchis’ band of mutant soldiers, the eponymous heroes of Uncanny Avengers #4 (by Gerry Duggan, Javier Garrón, Morry Hollowell, Tom Muller, Jay Bowen, and VC’s Travis Lanham) revel in their victory. Not only have the heroes recruited the Blob into the fold as the newest member of the Avengers Unity Division, but they have also stopped the Fenris Twins in their tracks. With this victory, the only dedicated member of Orchis’ mutant team left to be brought to justice is the enigmatic Captain Krakoa. While Scott Summers (aka Cyclops) originally held the heroic mantle as a symbol of his people, the current Captain Krakoa is an outright villain whose identity has remained a mystery since he first surfaced. However, Captain America managed to deduce the true identity of the enemy he and his team were facing – and it turns out to be a super-soldier with more than a passing resemblance to the Avenging Sentinel of Liberty.From within the highest echelons of S.H.I.E.L.D., this Captain America was able to orchestrate a massive takeover. By the time the dust had settled, Hydra had complete control over both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the United States government. Throughout the course of 2015’s Secret Empire, Supreme Commander Rogers led the charge against any uprisings that would threaten his newfound place in the world, even those with an uncanny resemblance to himself. Thanks to Kobik’s realization that she was on the wrong side of things, the real Steve Rogers was returned to life and given the chance to bring about an end to his malicious counterpart’s machinations. Though reality as a whole would ultimately be set right, the villainous Steve Rogers managed to escape being erased from it by seeking refuge within the Deviant city of Ashomia, where Kobik’s powers could not reach him. As much as he tried to escape any consequences of his part in Hydra’s takeover, this was only enough to buy the Supreme Commander some time before being brought to justice for his crimes in lethal fashion by the immortal mutant Selene.

While Orchis has waged an open war on mutants, they have also employed a vast amount of propaganda and similarly subversive tactics. One of the greatest resources the anti-mutant group has utilized is a mysterious villain who has been masquerading as the mutant’s greatest hero, Captain Krakoa. However, the identiy of Orchis’ stand-in has now been revealed, and the revelation only makes the imposter even more dangerous.

Following an explosive encounter with Orchis’ band of mutant soldiers, the eponymous heroes of Uncanny Avengers #4 (by Gerry Duggan, Javier Garrón, Morry Hollowell, Tom Muller, Jay Bowen, and VC’s Travis Lanham) revel in their victory. Not only have the heroes recruited the Blob into the fold as the newest member of the Avengers Unity Division, but they have also stopped the Fenris Twins in their tracks. With this victory, the only dedicated member of Orchis’ mutant team left to be brought to justice is the enigmatic Captain Krakoa. While Scott Summers (aka Cyclops) originally held the heroic mantle as a symbol of his people, the current Captain Krakoa is an outright villain whose identity has remained a mystery since he first surfaced. However, Captain America managed to deduce the true identity of the enemy he and his team were facing – and it turns out to be a super-soldier with more than a passing resemblance to the Avenging Sentinel of Liberty.

From within the highest echelons of S.H.I.E.L.D., this Captain America was able to orchestrate a massive takeover. By the time the dust had settled, Hydra had complete control over both S.H.I.E.L.D. and the United States government. Throughout the course of 2015’s Secret Empire, Supreme Commander Rogers led the charge against any uprisings that would threaten his newfound place in the world, even those with an uncanny resemblance to himself. Thanks to Kobik’s realization that she was on the wrong side of things, the real Steve Rogers was returned to life and given the chance to bring about an end to his malicious counterpart’s machinations. Though reality as a whole would ultimately be set right, the villainous Steve Rogers managed to escape being erased from it by seeking refuge within the Deviant city of Ashomia, where Kobik’s powers could not reach him. As much as he tried to escape any consequences of his part in Hydra’s takeover, this was only enough to buy the Supreme Commander some time before being brought to justice for his crimes in lethal fashion by the immortal mutant Selene.

#XMens #Worst #Enemy #Revealed #Uncanny #Connection #Captain #America

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