This Forgotten Imprint Predated Marvel Knights And MAX

When people read Big Two comics, most see the company’s logo on the spine or cover and don’t think anything more of it. But then comes the logos or labels for what seems to be companies they’ve never heard of before—Vertigo, MAX; these names are sometimes foreign and odd at a glance to new readers and make them wonder what they have to do with DC or Marvel characters featured in these pages. This is called an imprint, something one will find in all kinds of publishing, whether comics or books. An imprint is a branded subsidiary from a larger publishing house that denotes a specific line the company wishes to focus on, usually fixated on a specific tone.MAX and Vertigo are some of the most well-known imprints from the Big Two, with others like DC Black Label and Marvel Knights not too far behind. While these are some of the most well-known, none were the first—lines like Elseworlds and Marvel 2099 paved the way for titans like Vertigo to come through, which was a revolutionary new line. Vertigo was darker and more mature than the rest of DC’s offerings and partly inspired the grunge of ’90s comics—though, the ’90s grunge often was without most of Vertigo’s quality. Marvel, seeking to cash in on this, created a new imprint meant to encompass several more “edgy” titles, fittingly named Marvel Edge. While this imprint would not last, it paved the way for more successful attempts at similar concepts.A direct successor wasn’t hired to replace him, though; instead, Marvel decided to split its line into five different divisions to maximize production. This was done at the same time as the company launched its “Marvelution” idea, leading to a change in its distribution practices. In this “Marvelution” era, five new lines or imprints were created with their respective editor-in-chief.

When people read Big Two comics, most see the company’s logo on the spine or cover and don’t think anything more of it. But then comes the logos or labels for what seems to be companies they’ve never heard of before—Vertigo, MAX; these names are sometimes foreign and odd at a glance to new readers and make them wonder what they have to do with DC or Marvel characters featured in these pages. This is called an imprint, something one will find in all kinds of publishing, whether comics or books. An imprint is a branded subsidiary from a larger publishing house that denotes a specific line the company wishes to focus on, usually fixated on a specific tone.

MAX and Vertigo are some of the most well-known imprints from the Big Two, with others like DC Black Label and Marvel Knights not too far behind. While these are some of the most well-known, none were the first—lines like Elseworlds and Marvel 2099 paved the way for titans like Vertigo to come through, which was a revolutionary new line. Vertigo was darker and more mature than the rest of DC’s offerings and partly inspired the grunge of ’90s comics—though, the ’90s grunge often was without most of Vertigo’s quality. Marvel, seeking to cash in on this, created a new imprint meant to encompass several more “edgy” titles, fittingly named Marvel Edge. While this imprint would not last, it paved the way for more successful attempts at similar concepts.

A direct successor wasn’t hired to replace him, though; instead, Marvel decided to split its line into five different divisions to maximize production. This was done at the same time as the company launched its “Marvelution” idea, leading to a change in its distribution practices. In this “Marvelution” era, five new lines or imprints were created with their respective editor-in-chief.

#Forgotten #Imprint #Predated #Marvel #Knights #MAX

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