Tom King’s Wonder Woman Undid One Of Her Most Controversial Changes

Wonder Woman has often been left behind by DC Comics. Sometimes, the publisher will focus on books starring everyone else, despite Wonder Woman having a rich history. All of that has changed lately. 2022 brought fans the brilliant Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons, an origin for the Amazons by writer Kelly Sue DeConnick and artists Phil Jimenez, Gene Ha, and Nicola Scott. In 2023, DC put the A-list writer/artist team of Tom King and Daniel Sampere on Wonder Woman.Wonder Woman only has a few issues out, but it’s already made a massive splash. The second issue in particular features a very interesting development. The story’s framing device is the Sovereign telling Wonder Woman’s daughter Trinity the story of what is happening in the present day. In their conversation, the Sovereign addresses Wonder Woman’s old origin. Wonder Woman’s origin has changed a lot, and the New 52 brought the greatest change. However, it looks like even that change, which has soldiered on past the end of the New 52, may finally be undone.Beyond that, there was also a precedent for changing Wonder Woman’s origin. Flashpoint and the New 52 were spiritual successors to Crisis on Infinite Earths and the post-Crisis DC Universe. Crisis on Infinite Earths ended with Wonder Woman’s history being completely wiped out. Unlike the other DC heroes, her history got completely rebooted to the extent that Legends, the first post-Crisis DC event, was the first time she appeared in public. Writer/artist George Pérez was given carte blanche to change Wonder Woman history, and he did so. The post-Crisis origin became the one that every comic fan thought of when they thought of Wonder Woman, and Pérez’s run on Wonder Woman became the gold standard.

Wonder Woman has often been left behind by DC Comics. Sometimes, the publisher will focus on books starring everyone else, despite Wonder Woman having a rich history. All of that has changed lately. 2022 brought fans the brilliant Wonder Woman Historia: The Amazons, an origin for the Amazons by writer Kelly Sue DeConnick and artists Phil Jimenez, Gene Ha, and Nicola Scott. In 2023, DC put the A-list writer/artist team of Tom King and Daniel Sampere on Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman only has a few issues out, but it’s already made a massive splash. The second issue in particular features a very interesting development. The story’s framing device is the Sovereign telling Wonder Woman’s daughter Trinity the story of what is happening in the present day. In their conversation, the Sovereign addresses Wonder Woman’s old origin. Wonder Woman’s origin has changed a lot, and the New 52 brought the greatest change. However, it looks like even that change, which has soldiered on past the end of the New 52, may finally be undone.

Beyond that, there was also a precedent for changing Wonder Woman’s origin. Flashpoint and the New 52 were spiritual successors to Crisis on Infinite Earths and the post-Crisis DC Universe. Crisis on Infinite Earths ended with Wonder Woman’s history being completely wiped out. Unlike the other DC heroes, her history got completely rebooted to the extent that Legends, the first post-Crisis DC event, was the first time she appeared in public. Writer/artist George Pérez was given carte blanche to change Wonder Woman history, and he did so. The post-Crisis origin became the one that every comic fan thought of when they thought of Wonder Woman, and Pérez’s run on Wonder Woman became the gold standard.

#Tom #Kings #Woman #Undid #Controversial

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