Who Are The Main Characters In My Hero Academia?

Heavy is the head that wears the “main character” title. Being the protagonist of a series comes with a lot of responsibility and heavy lifting in anime, and especially so in shonen anime. Not only is a protagonist in charge of carrying large parts of the story, but they’re also usually one of the first faces that the audience gets acquainted with. Theirs is the story that is supposed to be the main anchor for the rest of the series and keep everything grounded in one goal. Luffy wants to be King of the Pirates, Naruto wants to be the Hokage—and Midoriya wants to be a hero.Speaking of Midoriya, My Hero Academia is a little bit different when it comes to its main character designation. While most shonen anime have their individual arcs that place spotlights on different characters, My Hero Academia’s arcs have the distinction of often not being about Midoriya at all. In fact, the majority of the series’ arcs have a different protagonist altogether. But each protagonist brings something different to the table and tells a very different story than the one of Midoriya becoming the “greatest hero.” It is more than worth it to take a look at what makes a main character and some of the characters that have shared that lauded title with Midoriya himself.My Hero Academia uses these different examples of protagonists quite often and shuffles the positions around quite often throughout the arcs. Midoriya often comes in closer to the end of most arcs and falls into a supporting protagonist role more often than would be expected.

Heavy is the head that wears the “main character” title. Being the protagonist of a series comes with a lot of responsibility and heavy lifting in anime, and especially so in shonen anime. Not only is a protagonist in charge of carrying large parts of the story, but they’re also usually one of the first faces that the audience gets acquainted with. Theirs is the story that is supposed to be the main anchor for the rest of the series and keep everything grounded in one goal. Luffy wants to be King of the Pirates, Naruto wants to be the Hokage—and Midoriya wants to be a hero.

Speaking of Midoriya, My Hero Academia is a little bit different when it comes to its main character designation. While most shonen anime have their individual arcs that place spotlights on different characters, My Hero Academia’s arcs have the distinction of often not being about Midoriya at all. In fact, the majority of the series’ arcs have a different protagonist altogether. But each protagonist brings something different to the table and tells a very different story than the one of Midoriya becoming the “greatest hero.” It is more than worth it to take a look at what makes a main character and some of the characters that have shared that lauded title with Midoriya himself.

My Hero Academia uses these different examples of protagonists quite often and shuffles the positions around quite often throughout the arcs. Midoriya often comes in closer to the end of most arcs and falls into a supporting protagonist role more often than would be expected.

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