Why Black Manta Is The Darkest Justice League Nemesis

In the course of duty, every superhero worth their salt attracts a nemesis. A villain who vexes them above all others, and it only stands to reason that the greatest DCU super team, the Justice League, would have the greatest collection of nemeses. However, while fans can name dark villains like the Joker. Lex Luthor, and Sinestro, Aquaman’s foe Black Manta has the darkest heart in the DCU.Having haunted Aquaman for years, the mysterious Black Manta is easily the King of Atlantis’s most recognizable foe. A high-seas treasure hunter with distant links to Atlantis himself, Black Manta was sought out by Doctor Stephen Shin to get a blood sample from Arthur Curry to prove his Atlantean heritage. After Arthur’s father died in the ensuing struggle, Aquaman attempted to get revenge, accidentally murdering the future Black Manta’s father in the process. This cycle of revenge transformed the young David Hyde into the deep sea killer he is today.Nine times out of 10 what makes a villain is their complexities; the subtle mixture of pathos and evil that drives them to do what no straight-thinking human being would. But Black Manta is something different. He was never dropped into a vat of toxic chemicals, he hasn’t seen his legend usurped by an alien born with great power, nor does he have any grand vision for the wider universe. Black Manta only wants one thing, and like the black-eyed sharks of the sea, that single-minded focus drives him to acts of evil beyond countenance.RELATED: Aquaman’s Brother Orm Deserves a Redemption Arc Before the DCEU EndsRELATED: A Lonely Batman Once Tricked Aquaman into Spending Time with Him

In the course of duty, every superhero worth their salt attracts a nemesis. A villain who vexes them above all others, and it only stands to reason that the greatest DCU super team, the Justice League, would have the greatest collection of nemeses. However, while fans can name dark villains like the Joker. Lex Luthor, and Sinestro, Aquaman‘s foe Black Manta has the darkest heart in the DCU.

RELATED: Aquaman’s Brother Orm Deserves a Redemption Arc Before the DCEU Ends

Having haunted Aquaman for years, the mysterious Black Manta is easily the King of Atlantis’s most recognizable foe. A high-seas treasure hunter with distant links to Atlantis himself, Black Manta was sought out by Doctor Stephen Shin to get a blood sample from Arthur Curry to prove his Atlantean heritage. After Arthur’s father died in the ensuing struggle, Aquaman attempted to get revenge, accidentally murdering the future Black Manta’s father in the process. This cycle of revenge transformed the young David Hyde into the deep sea killer he is today.

RELATED: A Lonely Batman Once Tricked Aquaman into Spending Time with Him

Nine times out of 10 what makes a villain is their complexities; the subtle mixture of pathos and evil that drives them to do what no straight-thinking human being would. But Black Manta is something different. He was never dropped into a vat of toxic chemicals, he hasn’t seen his legend usurped by an alien born with great power, nor does he have any grand vision for the wider universe. Black Manta only wants one thing, and like the black-eyed sharks of the sea, that single-minded focus drives him to acts of evil beyond countenance.

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