Why Don’t Comic Books Do Recaps During the Stories Anymore?

Comic Book Questions Answered, is a feature where I answer whatever questions you folks might have about comic books (feel free to e-mail questions to me at brianc@cbr.com). Today, we look at why modern comic book stories no longer work in recaps into the stories. Yesterday, I wrote about Jim Starlin’s run on Captain Marvel 50 years ago, and especially how the title began to evolve when Starlin started scripting the book as well as plotting and drawing it. Taking full control of the title saw him really expand the trippiness of the title to a whole other level. Reader Joel W. wrote in to discuss how much he enjoyed that run, but he also had a question for me. He asked, “One of the many things he did right was the “previously in” pages, especially in #33. Not only did they catch you up (every issue is someone’s first issue) but such epic artistry. (ISAAC panel!) Why doesn’t Marvel do that anymore? If I had it my way, there would be a drawn page or two recapping the story so far in ever issue.”Okay, let’s answer the question!

Comic Book Questions Answered, is a feature where I answer whatever questions you folks might have about comic books (feel free to e-mail questions to me at brianc@cbr.com). Today, we look at why modern comic book stories no longer work in recaps into the stories.

Yesterday, I wrote about Jim Starlin’s run on Captain Marvel 50 years ago, and especially how the title began to evolve when Starlin started scripting the book as well as plotting and drawing it. Taking full control of the title saw him really expand the trippiness of the title to a whole other level. Reader Joel W. wrote in to discuss how much he enjoyed that run, but he also had a question for me. He asked, “One of the many things he did right was the “previously in” pages, especially in #33. Not only did they catch you up (every issue is someone’s first issue) but such epic artistry. (ISAAC panel!) Why doesn’t Marvel do that anymore? If I had it my way, there would be a drawn page or two recapping the story so far in ever issue.”

Okay, let’s answer the question!

#Dont #Comic #Books #Recaps #Stories #Anymore

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