Why Kill La Kill Is An Anime Classic

Every anime season includes one or more good series, with most seasons featuring several well-executed new and returning titles. However, many of these shows are forgotten once the season ends, quickly leaving the public’s consciousness, only to be replaced by the new big thing. But this isn’t the case for all shows, as some remain popular long after they’ve finished, being constantly referenced by anime fans and appearing on many “must-watch” lists, cementing themselves as classics of the genre in the process. One anime that has done this is Kill la Kill, but what sets it apart from other shows?The exact lines for what separates a merely well-reviewed or popular anime from a classic one are fuzzy, with every anime fan having their own metrics and boundaries depending on their taste and the school of thought they subscribe to. However, certain constants are widely accepted as being good markers for a classic.A major one is enduring popularity, as while trends come and go, a show that remains popular after a long time has passed since its original airing clearly did something right, as it still speaks to people despite its original context being long gone. Also, it is accepted that for an anime to be a true classic, it must do something unique, from taking existing concepts to a whole new level or forging a whole new genre. Another critical element that differentiates a classic is influence. A true classic will leave a lasting mark on the industry and be something that other creators cite as an influence or something that other shows imitate or build on down the line. A classic will change the zeitgeist, and elements from it will be visible in shows that follow it.This Tragic & Beautiful Shojo Classic Helped Inspire Sailor Moon

Every anime season includes one or more good series, with most seasons featuring several well-executed new and returning titles. However, many of these shows are forgotten once the season ends, quickly leaving the public’s consciousness, only to be replaced by the new big thing. But this isn’t the case for all shows, as some remain popular long after they’ve finished, being constantly referenced by anime fans and appearing on many “must-watch” lists, cementing themselves as classics of the genre in the process. One anime that has done this is Kill la Kill, but what sets it apart from other shows?

This Tragic & Beautiful Shojo Classic Helped Inspire Sailor Moon

The exact lines for what separates a merely well-reviewed or popular anime from a classic one are fuzzy, with every anime fan having their own metrics and boundaries depending on their taste and the school of thought they subscribe to. However, certain constants are widely accepted as being good markers for a classic.

A major one is enduring popularity, as while trends come and go, a show that remains popular after a long time has passed since its original airing clearly did something right, as it still speaks to people despite its original context being long gone. Also, it is accepted that for an anime to be a true classic, it must do something unique, from taking existing concepts to a whole new level or forging a whole new genre. Another critical element that differentiates a classic is influence. A true classic will leave a lasting mark on the industry and be something that other creators cite as an influence or something that other shows imitate or build on down the line. A classic will change the zeitgeist, and elements from it will be visible in shows that follow it.

#Kill #Kill #Anime #Classic

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