X-Men: How Wolverine’s Days of Future Past Death Was Part of a Creator Dispute

Welcome to the 939th installment of Comic Book Legends Revealed, a column where we examine three comic book myths, rumors and legends and confirm or debunk them. In the third legend of an all-Wolverine edition of Comic Book Legends Revealed, see how Wolverine’s death during Days of Future Past tied into a dispute between John Byrne and Chris Claremont.
Obviously, whenever you deal with any two people working together on a joint project, there are bound to be some conflicts. It’s just human nature. People tend not to be able to meld their minds together perfectly, so this will eventually lead to a dispute, and if things are handled just right (like if one person feels that they are compromising too much), then it will lead to problems, even with people who are otherwise good friends. When you’re “just” work colleagues, it can be a lot easier for things to get out of hand.
Similar issues sprung up in the pages of X-Men between John Byrne and Chris Claremont, and amusingly, their back-and-forths would sometimes lead to Byrne drawing things specifically to outmaneuver something that he and Claremont were in disagreement about. Today, we look at how Byrne used Wolverine’s death in the iconic “Days of Future Past” storyline to re-establish a point about Wolverine’s skeleton that Claremont had begun to waver on.

Welcome to the 939th installment of Comic Book Legends Revealed, a column where we examine three comic book myths, rumors and legends and confirm or debunk them. In the third legend of an all-Wolverine edition of Comic Book Legends Revealed, see how Wolverine’s death during Days of Future Past tied into a dispute between John Byrne and Chris Claremont.

Obviously, whenever you deal with any two people working together on a joint project, there are bound to be some conflicts. It’s just human nature. People tend not to be able to meld their minds together perfectly, so this will eventually lead to a dispute, and if things are handled just right (like if one person feels that they are compromising too much), then it will lead to problems, even with people who are otherwise good friends. When you’re “just” work colleagues, it can be a lot easier for things to get out of hand.

Similar issues sprung up in the pages of X-Men between John Byrne and Chris Claremont, and amusingly, their back-and-forths would sometimes lead to Byrne drawing things specifically to outmaneuver something that he and Claremont were in disagreement about. Today, we look at how Byrne used Wolverine’s death in the iconic “Days of Future Past” storyline to re-establish a point about Wolverine’s skeleton that Claremont had begun to waver on.

#XMen #Wolverines #Days #Future #Death #Part #Creator #Dispute

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